York Walks /4

Clifton hospital site – revisited

Photographed on 31 October 2004

Read more about the history of this area in my book Chocolate and Chicory: York and beyond, by bicycle

I visited here in the summer – see the laundry, in York Walks /3: Former Clifton Hospital site. Soon afterwards a planning application was lodged to redevelop the site of the hospital's old laundry, so I expected it to be demolished at some point, but was surprised when I turned the corner off Shipton Road and found that most of it had gone already. I wasn't intending to take photos here, as I was heading for the far more attractive Rawcliffe Meadows, after also visiting Homestead Park. This might be an ugly place by comparison, but it's just as interesting in its own way.

  Old Clifton hospital laundry, in the process of being demolished, October 2004
Old Clifton hospital laundry – 2   Old Clifton hospital laundry – 3

The only striking part of the building was this tall central concrete-panelled bit, ugly but distinctive. It's in the process of being dismantled, along with the rest of the structures. I thought it was worth recording what could be seen of the remains of this presumably once very busy place.

Former laundry building, Clifton Hospital, August 2004   Old Clifton hospital laundry, October 2004 – 6

Above: old Clifton Hospital laundry, 7 August 2004


Above, and other images on this page: demolition in progress, 31 October 2004

Muddy machinery   Steel fence and demolition notice

There's a lot of graffiti on these internal walls. The buildings looked well-secured when I visited this August, but presumably it wasn't always so.

Old Clifton hospital laundry – 8   Old Clifton hospital laundry – 9
Machine detail   Old Clifton hospital laundry – 10

The plans for this site: the erection of a two storey 24 bed medical diagnostic and treatment centre.

Clifton Park NHS Treatment Centre  

Update – 2006

The Clifton Park NHS Treatment Centre has now been built. Photo taken on 11 July 2006, from roughly the same place as the photo above taken on 7 August 2004, when the old laundry occupied the site.

There's more information on the history of this area in my book: Chocolate and Chicory: York and beyond by bicycle

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Page compiled in autumn 2004. Last updated: 26 July 2011.